New Business & Renewals

This section lists the fields and formats required in the NewBusiness request.

The NewBusiness conversation is generic in that it permits the processing of new applications and renewals for PersonalLine and CommercialLine application types.

This conversation will perform a series of checks within the BNP iPFConnect service and if validation and back end checks are completed successfully with no errors then an account number and a credit decision will be returned. A 64-bit encoded PDF will be returned if the decision is Accept or Decline.

  • For Accept decisions, the PDF returned to the calling system (either the software house or the applicant if it is in an “ecommerce” environment) is our standard Customer Agreement Pack which the broker will need to ensure the customer signs and returns to Creation Consumer Finance Ltd, PO Box 14455, Birmingham, B25 9ER.

  • For Decline decisions, the PDF returned to the applicant is BNPs How we Decide pdf outlining our standard decision process.


Optional Sections

Depending on the setup of the product and the value of the request the following sections may not be needed for personal line application for an individual.

  • Affordability
  • Marketing

Request Example

  "clientCode": "Provided by BNPP PF",
  "shopCode": "Provided by BNPP PF",
  "newBusinessRequestType": {
    "application": {
      "brokerReference": "BROKERREF01",
      "accountNumber": null,
      "insuranceType": 1,
      "isRenewal": false,
      "allowSearchAuthorisation": true,
      "isCustomerPresent": true,
      "hasCustomerDeclaration": true
    "policy": {
      "policyInceptionDate": "2020-11-04",
      "policyRenewalDate": "2021-11-04",
      "totalCashPrice": 1320.00,
      "deposit": 132.00,
      "creditProductCode": "TIN1",
      "term": 10,
      "preferredPaymentDay": 15,
      "policyPremiumAmount": 132.00,
      "brokerCreditFeeAmount": 10.0,
      "brokerCreditFeeDescription": "fees",
      "brokerFeeAmount": 120.0,
      "brokerFeeAmountDescription": "discount applicable",
      "addOnAmount": 5.0,
      "addOnAmountDescription": "Heavy Duty",
      "discountAmount": 1.0,
      "discountAmountDescription": "Discount",
      "premiumDescription": "1",
      "policyType": 1,
      "policyNumber": "mh-123456",
      "insuranceCompany": "7",
      "ropRateType": 1,
      "isEdiFlag": false
    "applicant": {
      "customer": {
        "title": "Mr",
        "firstName": "Test01FN",
        "lastName": "Test01LN",
        "dateOfBirth": "1966-10-09",
        "nationality": "GBR",
        "countryOfBirth": "GBR",
        "email": "",
        "policyholderName": "MW FORREST",
        "address": {
          "houseName": null,
          "houseNumber": "1",
          "streetName": "CROMWELL ROAD",
          "townland": "ELY",
          "postTown": "ELY",
          "county": null,
          "postCode": "CB6 1AS",
          "addressLineOne": null
        "yearsAtAddress": 2,
        "previousAddress": {
          "houseName": null,
          "houseNumber": "1",
          "streetName": "CROMWELL ROAD",
          "townland": "ELY",
          "postTown": "ELY",
          "county": null,
          "postCode": "CB6 1AS",
          "addressLineOne": null
        "telephone": {
          "mobileNumber": "07700900624",
          "phoneNumber": "01632960183"
        "employment": {
          "employmentStatusCDLCode": "Employee",
          "employmentStatus": "FT",
          "employmentLevel": false,
          "industrySector": "1",
          "employmentSector": "1"
      "payment": {
        "isJointAccount": false,
        "isApplicantAccount": true,
        "thirdPartyAccountName": null,
        "thirdPartyApplicantAddress": null
      "bank": {
        "bankAccountNumber": "41011166",
        "bankSortCode": "201596",
        "iban": null,
        "bic": null
      "marketing": {
        "isMarketingOptInEmail": false,
        "isMarketingOptInSms": false,
        "isMarketingOptInPost": false,
        "isMarketingOptInPhone": false
      "income": {
        "netMonthlyIncome": 27800.00
      "affordability": {
        "netMonthlyIncome": 27800.00,
        "spousePartnerNetMonthyIncome": 2000.0,
        "monthlyMortgageRentRepayment": 100.0,
        "maritalStatus": "M",
        "residentialStatus": "F",
        "numberOfDependants": 0
  "clientCode": "Provided by BNPP PF",
  "shopCode": "Provided by BNPP PF",
  "newBusinessRequestType": {
    "application": {
      "brokerReference": "BROKERREF01",
      "accountNumber": null,
      "insuranceType": 1,
      "isRenewal": false,
      "allowSearchAuthorisation": true,
      "isCustomerPresent": true,
      "hasCustomerDeclaration": true
    "policy": {
      "policyInceptionDate": "2020-11-04",
      "policyRenewalDate": "2021-11-04",
      "totalCashPrice": 1320.00,
      "deposit": 132.00,
      "creditProductCode": "TIN1",
      "term": 10,
      "preferredPaymentDay": 15,
      "policyPremiumAmount": 132.00,
      "brokerCreditFeeAmount": 10.0,
      "brokerCreditFeeDescription": "fees",
      "brokerFeeAmount": 120.0,
      "brokerFeeAmountDescription": "discount applicable",
      "addOnAmount": 5.0,
      "addOnAmountDescription": "Heavy Duty",
      "discountAmount": 1.0,
      "discountAmountDescription": "Discount",
      "premiumDescription": "1",
      "policyType": 1,
      "policyNumber": "mh-123456",
      "insuranceCompany": "7",
      "ropRateType": 1,
      "isEdiFlag": false
    "applicant": {
      "customer": {
        "title": "Mr",
        "firstName": "Test01FN",
        "lastName": "Test01LN",
        "dateOfBirth": "1966-10-09",
        "nationality": "GBR",
        "countryOfBirth": "GBR",
        "email": "",
        "policyholderName": "MW FORREST",
        "address": {
          "houseName": null,
          "houseNumber": "1",
          "streetName": "CROMWELL ROAD",
          "townland": "ELY",
          "postTown": "ELY",
          "county": null,
          "postCode": "CB6 1AS",
          "addressLineOne": null
        "yearsAtAddress": 2,
        "previousAddress": {
          "houseName": null,
          "houseNumber": "1",
          "streetName": "CROMWELL ROAD",
          "townland": "ELY",
          "postTown": "ELY",
          "county": null,
          "postCode": "CB6 1AS",
          "addressLineOne": null
        "telephone": {
          "mobileNumber": "07700900624",
          "phoneNumber": "01632960183"
        "employment": {
          "employmentStatus": "FT",
          "employmentLevelSpecified": false,
          "industrySector": "1",
          "employmentSector": "1"
      "payment": {
        "isJointAccount": false,
        "isApplicantAccount": true,
        "thirdPartyAccountName": null,
        "thirdPartyApplicantAddress": null
      "bank": {
        "bankAccountNumber": "41011166",
        "bankSortCode": "201596",
        "iban": null,
        "bic": null
      "income": {
        "netMonthlyIncome": 27800.00

Response Example

    "data": {
        "newBusinessResponseType": {
            "brokerReference": "BROKERREF01",
            "accountNumber": "910000014759",
            "decision": 1,
            "pdf": "",//base64 encoded bytes for a pdf
            "responseStatus": 1
        "errors": null
    "validationErrors": [],
    "error": -1,
    "error_description": null,
    "successful": true



FieldRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
ClientCodeMandatoryString10This is a unique client identifier. It is supplied by BNPP PF.
ShopCodeMandatoryString10This is a unique shop identifier. It is supplied by BNPP PF.
newBusinessRequestTypeSee newBusinessRequestType


FieldRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
ApplicationMandatoryApplication-See Structure of Application
PolicyMandatoryPolicy-See Structure of Policy
ApplicantMandatoryApplicant-See Structure of Applicant


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
BrokerReferenceMandatoryString25This is a unique reference provided by the broker to identify the applicant.
The broker can use this reference to identify and locate the applicant on the BNPP PF system.
AccountNumberOptionalString15This is the reference BNPP PF has assigned to the applicant as part of the new application process. It is used to locate the account and apply the transaction.
It is mandatory to provide the AccountNumber and BrokerReference for Renewals.
InsuranceTypeMandatoryEnumThis is the application’s type.
See InsuranceType in Option Values
IsRenewalMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the application is a renewal. If True, then AccountNumber is mandatory
AllowSearchAuthorisationMandatoryBooleanThis confirms whether the script (that must be either displayed or read to the applicant) has been completed.
It is provided by the BNPP PF.
It is mandatory for all InsuranceTypes
IsCustomerPresentMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the applicant is present with the broker.
HasCustomerDeclarationMandatoryBooleanThis confirms the Customer Affordability Declaration has been read to the customer as per CONC5 of the FCA


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
PolicyInceptionDateMandatoryDateDate the policy was incepted - rules will be applied against this checking acceptable dates and for use in payment date calculations
PolicyRenewalDateOptionalDateThis is the policy’s renewal date.
This is recorded in the BNPP PF system, and if blank defaults to 12 months from the Policy Inception Date.
TotalCashPriceMandatoryDecimalThis is the cash price of the insurance premium including AddOns, fees and Insurance Premium Tax.
DepositMandatoryDecimalThis is the monetary value of the deposit the customer has provided.
CreditProductCodeMandatoryString10This is code that identifies the type of credit selected, eg FIC1.
TermMandatoryIntegerThe time (in months) across which the credit is repaid. It must be valid for the credit product.
PreferredPaymentDayMandatoryIntegerThis is the applicant’s preferred payment day.
BNPP PF accepts 1-28.
If 0 is entered, then this is used in conjunction with the inception date (Must be pre- approved by BNPP PF) .
On renewal, BNPP PF uses the existing preferred payment day. This value will not be utilised for renewals.
PolicyPremiumAmountMandatoryDecimalThis is the cash price of the insurance premium plus IPT placed with the insurer, excluding AddOns and fees.
BrokerCreditFeeAmountMandatoryDecimalThis is the fee that is added to the credit amount. If it is blank, it defaults to 0.
BrokerCreditFeeDescriptionMandatoryString50This is a description of the credit fee. If it is blank, it defaults to N/A.
BrokerFeeAmountMandatoryDecimalThis is the fee that has been added in to the credit amount. If it is blank, it defaults to 0.00
BrokerFeeAmountDescriptionMandatoryString45This is a description of the fees. If it is blank, it defaults to 0.00
AddOnAmountMandatoryDecimalThis is the AddOn amount that has been added to the credit amount. If it is blank, it defaults to 0.00
AddOnAmountDescriptionMandatoryString45This is a description of the AddOns. If it is blank, it defaults to N/A.
DiscountAmountMandatoryDecimalThis is the amount of discount that has been applied to the credit amount. If it is blank, it defaults to 0.00
DiscountAmountDescriptionMandatoryString45This is the description of the Discount. If it is blank, it defaults to N/A.
PremiumDescriptionMandatoryString50This is the type of risk. See PremiumDescription in Option Values
PolicyTypeMandatoryEnumThis the policy’s type. See
PolicyType in Option Values
PolicyNumberOptionalString25This is the insurance policy number. This is mandatory if the IsEdiFlag is true and optional if the IsEDIFlag is false
InsuranceCompanyMandatoryString25This is the insurer code that identifies the insurer that provides the insurance policy.
RopRateTypeMandatoryEnumThe return of premium rate type. See RopRateType in Option Values
IsEdiFlagMandatoryBooleanThis is a flag that indicates whether the policy is EDI (true) or Non EDI (false)


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
CustomerOptionalCustomerSee Structure of Customer. This is mandatory for PersonalLine (Including Sole Trader)
PaymentMandatoryPaymentSee Structure of Payment.
BankMandatoryBankAccountSee Structure of BankAccount.
MarketingMandatoryMarketingSee Structure of Marketing.
CommercialOptionalCommercialSee Structure of Commercial. This is mandatory for Commercial
IncomeOptionalIncomeSee Structure of Income
Mandatory for PersonalLine Individual/ Sole Traders. Not required for CommercialLine
AffordabilityOptionalAffordabilitySee Structure of Affordability. This will be mandatory for applications over a certain value. This will be agreed with the BNPP PF
PersonalLine - Individuals/ Sole Trader Only

Personal Trading

NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
TradeOutsideUkMandatoryBooleanIf the company trades outside the UK then this is True.
TradingNameMandatoryString50This is the applicant’s trading name (mandatory for sole traders).


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
TitleMandatoryString10This is the applicant’s title. See Title in Option Values
FirstNameMandatoryString30This is the customer’s first name.
LastNameMandatoryString30This is the customer’s last name.
DateOfBirthMandatoryDateThis is the applicant’s date of birth. The applicant must be a minimum of 18 years old.
NationalityMandatoryString3This is the applicant’s nationality. See Nationality in Option Values
CountryOfBirthMandatoryString3This is the applicant’s Country of Birth. See CountryOfBirth in Option Values
EmailOptionalString100This is the customer’s email address
PolicyholderNameOptionalString75This is the name of the policyholder, if different
AddressMandatoryAddressSee Structure of Address.
YearsAtAddressMandatoryIntegerThis is the number of years the Customer has lived at their current address.
PreviousAddressOptionalAddressThis is the Customer’s address. See Structure of Address
It is mandatory if YearsAtAddress is less than 3 years.
TelephoneMandatoryTelephoneSee Structure of Telephone.
EmploymentMandatoryEmploymentSee Structure of Employment.


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
HouseNameOptionalString35This is the applicant’s house name. If it is missing, HouseNumber is required.
HouseNumberOptionalString35This is the applicant’s house number. If it is missing, HouseName is required.
StreetNameMandatoryString35This is the applicant’s street name.
TownlandOptionalString50This is the applicant’s townland.
PostTownOptionalString30This is the applicant’s post town.
CountyOptionalString35This is the applicant’s county.
PostCodeMandatoryString10This is the applicant’s postcode.
AddressLineOneOptionalString200This is a concatenated field comprising of the applicant’s HouseNumber or HouseName and StreetName. Each one separated by a comma separated delimiter. Three address fields should be present (if either house number or house name is not present it should be blank)


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
MobileNumberOptionalString13This is the applicant’s mobile telephone number. If PhoneNumber not present then MobileNumber is mandatory.
PhoneNumberOptionalString13This is the applicant’s secondary telephone number or main landline. If MobileNumber is not present then PhoneNumber is mandatory.


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
EmploymentStatusMandatoryString10This is the applicant’s employee status. See EmploymentStatus in Option Values
EmploymentLevelOptionalBooleanThis indicates the applicant’s employment level. It is mandatory if the applicant’s EmployeeStatus is FT or PT. If the applicant is a director or board member it is True, otherwise False.
IndustrySectorOptionalString3This indicates the applicant’s industry sector.
It is mandatory if EmployeeStatus is SE or if EmploymentLevel is true.
See IndustrySector and Employment Sectors in Option Values
EmploymentSectorOptionalString3This indicates the applicant’s employment sector.
It is mandatory if EmployeeStatus is SE, EmploymentLevel = true or if IndustrySector is completed.
EmploymentSector options are dependent on IndustrySector chosen.
See IndustrySector and Employment Sectors in Option Values


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
IsJointAccountMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the account details are for a joint account.
The options are True or False.
IsApplicantAccountMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the account details are for the person applying for finance. The options are: True or False.
ThirdPartyAccountNameOptionalString30This is the name of the third party making the payments (if IsApplicantAccount is False).
ThirdPartyApplicantAddre ssOptionalAddressSee Structure of Address


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
NetMonthlyIncomeMandatoryDecimalThis is the applicant’s individual net monthly income.


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
NetMonthlyIncomeMandatoryDecimalThis is the applicant’s individual net monthly income.
SpousePartnerNetMonthyI ncomeMandatoryDecimalThis is the applicant’s spouse or partner’s individual net monthly income. If it is not applicable enter 0.00
MonthlyMortgageRentRep aymentMandatoryDecimalThis is the applicant’s monthly mortgage or rent payment. If it is not applicable enter 0.00
MaritalStatusMandatoryString35This is the applicant’s marital status. See MaritalStatus in Option Values
ResidentialStatusMandatoryString35This is the applicant’s residential status. See ResidentialStatus in Option Values
NumberOfDependantsMandatoryIntegerThis is the applicant’s number of dependants.


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
IsMarketingOptInEmailMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the applicant opted in for email marketing.
IsMarketingOptInSmsMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the applicant opted in for SMS marketing
IsMarketingOptInPostMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the applicant opted in for postal marketing.
IsMarketingOptInPhoneMandatoryBooleanThis indicates whether the applicant opted in for telephone marketing.


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
BusinessTypeMandatoryEnumThis is the business type. See CustomerBusinessType in Option Values
PartnershipOptionalPartnershipThis is mandatory if BusinessType is Partnership
LimitedCompanyOptionalLimitedCompanyThis is mandatory if BusinessType is LimitedCompany


All fields are mandatory for CommercialLine application types if BusinessType is PartnerShip (including LLPs, Trusts and Clubs)

NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
CompanyNameMandatoryString40This is the name of the company.
BusinessAddressMandatoryAddressSee Structure of Address.
DateEstablishedMandatoryDateThis indicates when the business was established.
HasCcjMandatoryBooleanThis is a flag to indicate the Partnership has a CCJ
BusinessPhoneNumberMandatoryString13This is the business’ phone number.
BusinessEmailOptionalString45This is the business’ email address.
TradingMandatoryCommercialTradingSee Structure of CommercialTrading
ExceedsThreePartnerShipsMandatoryBooleanThis is a flag to indicate the number of Partners within the Partnership. If the number of Partners is 4 or more then true, else false. If True is selected then PartnerOne, PartnerTwo, PartnerThree and PartnerFour are all mandatory
PartnerOneMandatoryPartnerSee Structure of Partner
PartnerTwoMandatoryPartnerSee Structure of Partner
PartnerThreeOptionalPartnerSee Structure of Partner
PartnerFourOptionalPartnerSee Structure of Partner


All fields are mandatory for CommercialLine and application types if BusinessType is LimitedCompany

NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
CompanyNameMandatoryString40This is the name of the company.
RegistrationNumberMandatoryString25This is the business registration number.
TradingAddressMandatoryAddressSee Structure of Address.
BusinessEmailOptionalString45This is the business’ email address.
BusinessPhoneNumberMandatoryString13This is the business’ phone number.
DirectorOneAuthSignatureMandatoryString50This is a Director authorised to sign a credit agreement on the companies behalf
DirectorTwoAuthSignatureOptionalString50This is a Director authorised to sign a credit agreement on the companies behalf
DirectorOneDobMandatoryDateThis is the DirectoryOne Date of Birth
DirectorOneHomeAddressMandatoryAddressThis is DirectorOne Home Address. See Structure of Address
DirectorOneCountryOfBirthMandatoryString3This is DirectorOne’s Country of Birth. See CountryOfBirth in Option Values
DirectorTwoDobOptionalDateThis is mandatory if DirectorTwoAuthSignature has been supplied
DirectorTwoHomeAddressOptionalAddressThis is DirectorTwo Home Address. See Structure of Address
This is mandatory if DirectorTwoAuthSignature has been supplied
DirectorTwoCountryOfBirthOptionalString3This is DirectorTwo’s Country of Birth. See CountryOfBirth in Option Values
TradingMandatoryCommercialTradingSee Structure of CommercialTrading


All fields are mandatory for CommercialLine and application types

NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
TradeOutsideUkMandatoryBooleanIf the company trades outside the UK then this is True.


All fields are mandatory for CommercialLine and application types if BusinessType is PartnerShip (including LLPs, Trusts and Clubs)

NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
FirstNameMandatoryString30This is Partner’s forename.
LastNameMandatoryString30This is Partner’s surname.
PartnerAddressMandatoryAddressThis is Partner’s address. See Structure of Address
YearsAtAddressMandatoryIntegerThis is the number of years the Partner has lived at their current address.
PreviousAddressOptionalAddressThis is the Partner’s address. See Structure of Address
It is mandatory if YearsAtAddress is less than 3 years.
PhoneNumberMandatoryString13This is the Partner’s phone number.
DateOfBirthMandatoryDateThis is the Partner’s date of birth. They must be a minimum of 18 years old.
NationalityMandatoryString3This is the Partner’s nationality. See Nationality in Option Values
CountryOfBirthMandatoryString3This is the Partner’s Country of Birth. See CountryOfBirth in Option Values


NodeRequiredTypeMax LengthNotes
BrokerReferenceMandatoryString25This is a unique reference provided by the broker to identify the applicant.
The broker can use this reference to identify and locate the applicant on the BNPP PF system.
AccountNumberOptionalString15This is the reference BNPP PF has assigned to the applicant as part of the new application process. It is used to locate the account and apply the transaction.
It is mandatory to provide it and BrokerReference for renewals.
DecisionMandatoryEnumThis is the application decision. See Decision in
PdfOptionalStringThis returns an encoded PDf document. For Accept decisions, it contains a Credit Agreement. For Decline decisions, it returns a How We Decide document.
ResponseStatusMandatoryEnumThis is the response status of the XML conversation. See ResponseStatus in Option Values