Standard Home Insurance
This product specification describes the requirements for tailoring the standard Aventus home insurance product. You will find information on the product itself, along with what we need from you in order to build the product to your requirements.
Cover levels
Our standard home insurance product is a bedroom-rated buildings and contents insurance product, coverage as follows:
- Buildings sum insured: £750,000
- Contents sum insured: £75,000
- Valuables within the home: £15,000 included in Contents sum insured
- Money and credit cards: £500
- Key and lock replacement: £500
- Freezer contents: £500
- Data loss: £500
- Personal liability: £2,000,000
- Domestic staff: £5,000,000
- Compulsory excesses:
- Standard: £100
- Escape of water: £250
- Subsidence: £1,000
- Optional extras:
- Increased valuables within the home: up to £50,000
- Valuables within the UK and worldwide for up to 60 days: up to £35,000
- Pedal cycles
- Buildings accidental damage
- Contents accidental damage
- Home Emergency and Family Legal Cover
For more details please see the example Insurance Product Information Document and Policy Wording, as utilised by Homelyfe.
Risk Elements
There are separate requirements for generating an estimate quote and a full quote. An estimated quote is generated from: Full address + date of birth + External property data + assumptions, whilst a full quote requires the full risk data capture, as detailed in the risk elements sheet.
Question set
We provide a standard question set and user journey to collect the risk information. Please review the standard question set and custom lists to ensure that your rates reflect the possible options available to customers.
Updated over 5 years ago